Alopecia Abroad: Meet Claire

On a daily basis I get to connect with people from all over the world who have been affected by Alopecia.
I answer questions, I ask questions
I tell stories, I hear stories
I inspire, and I get inspired
There is just something about interacting with people you can really relate too..
That just get you.. you know?
And then getting to meet them in person... now that is special
Meet Claire

Claire and I met on Gili Air in Indonesia.
Are you ready for a SUPER Millennial statement..
We met through Instagram
Claire too having Alopecia, and traveling the world, randomly googled 'Alopecia Traveler' while she wondered "is someone else out there traveling with alopecia?" She came across my Instagram and hit follow. A few months later, Claire saw we were both on Gili Air and reached out to introduce herself. I love hearing from other baldies and while we can share so much through social media about how to cope with Alopecia, I was SO excited to potentially interact in person!
Claire mentioned she had really never met anyone else with Alopecia, especially someone who had a positive outlook on it.
I got even more excited
Because I know the sheer magic and MOMENT it is to meet your FIRST other Alopecian, and I was pumped to be that person for her! I remember the first other baldie I met, her name was Thea Chassin of Bald Girls Do Lunch. She was kind enough to meet with me one afternoon and I remember walking away feeling different, less alone, more confident.

And a Friendship Blossoms
Claire and I, we clicked immediately. Two little bald peas in a pod.
It is not only Alopecia we have in common. We are the same age, avid world travelers, both in transitional stages in our lives, and just on the same wave length about... life.
We both lost our hair around age 22/23 and chatted for hours about similar struggles and triumphs we each experienced. Claire and I had a very similar, yet different story.
Claire and I had both accepted our Alopecia in our own minds, but I had shared mine with the world around me, while Claire had always shied away from that exposure. She couldn't help but worry about the stares, what people would think, what their reactions would be. It became her normal to where wigs in public, to work, with friends and to shelter herself from that kind of exposure and unwanted attention.

An Uncomfortable Cloud
This may seem like a weird concept to you, however sometimes we can feel the need to hide our Alopecia so people do not have to feel uncomfortable, or wonder why, or ask questions. It can feel like 'Oh well this may make other people uncomfortable so I am just going to wear a wig so they do not have to feel uncomfortable and therefore I won't feel uncomfortable.'
The problem with this.. it is a weight on our shoulders, and a cloud over our head. It gets exhausting to always feel the need to hide, and we are still left wondering if you know anyways. Hiding anything causes you to lose a piece of yourself. Somewhere along the lines Claire simply accepted life with this cloud as normal, and carried on with her successful and happy life.
I love wigs, I have a few wigs for Alopecia I really adore and love to wear when the mood strikes.
I think wearing wigs is great, I think going bald is great.
There is no shame in wigs, and there is no shame in going bald.
There should not have to be one definitive stance, one choice.
But it should be a choice, it should not be because you feel like you 'have to' to make other people feel more comfortable.

The wig comes off
That night I first met Claire.. she didn't even have to tell me, I could see it in her eyes and attitude the difference it had made to meet someone else, someone just like her. Who shared the same struggles, but chose to be open, unapologetic and confident about it.
The next day she excitedly told me that today.. for the first time she got up and walked out of her hostel room without her wig. That she felt a shift within herself, and I could not have been more proud of her.
It is not about wig or no wig, it is about finding a strength you have never known. That was a huge shift for her, one she will continue to instill in herself as she goes forward. Claire found a strength she had never known. A gift that my Alopecia continuously has given me, a gift that Thea once gave me.
Claire is still going to battle with good and bad days, just like I do.
But as we sat there on the beach that next day, two bright white heads laid laughing together on the sand, a new chapter was definitely born.

A re-instilled inspiration
I could cry just thinking about how lucky and incredible it was to meet Claire. I mean what are the chances? It is magic how it all came together.
My heart wants to burst at the seams when I think about how special it was to share in that experience with her. To watch it happen and to play a part in that leap for her. I inspired Claire, but Claire inspired me. I am not perfect, I too have my days. Claire reminded me of just how strong, unapologetic, and confident I am and should continue to be.
Without realizing it, I think Claire and I crossed paths at a time when we both needed it most. She came into my life during a time of intense confusion and uncertainty for me. A time where I felt lost, and really needed a friend. Claire helped re-instilled an inspiration and strength in me, that I will never forget.
The adventures of Claire and Colleen continued as we ended up spending a lot of time together all over Indonesia and on to Australia! So thank you Claire, thank you for googling random things and being the friend you are to me. All my days I will know your face, that I am certain of!

Claire went on to share her Alopecia with the world.
The outpouring of love and support she received was overwhelming to her in the best way possible. Much like all of the overwhelming love and support I get from all of you on a daily basis. It means so much!!!
You can follow Claire here : @adventures_of_a_baldchick

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