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It's been just over a month on the road now traveling solo. While it's all gone by so fast, my life back in Chicago feels like a lifetime ago.

I have not had any major mishaps.

(Knock on wood)

I've made handfuls of friends.


I've been great about sunscreen and only had one bad burn (major win for me).

I've hit 3 countries, 8 cities, a few extra long bus rides and never looked back. 

I've made mistakes, had realizations, and I've learned a lot...

1. Count your change monayy. Certain people will try and take advantage of your trusting nature. If you hand someone a $20 for a $4 meal, make sure they give you back $16, not $14..

2. If your going to leave things under your pillow remember to check for them before you leave.

3. If the bus place says it's X hours to get to your destination, times it by 2 and subtract 4. (Or something like that)

4. Go slow. Take your time. Do not purchase the first item you see, ticket you are offered, or restaurant you stumble upon.

5. Make your own decisions! You make so many friends and it is easy to get wrapped up in what everyone else is doing. If you do not want to go to that restaurant.. don't! Do not want to stop for breakfast before the ferry... don't! If you do not want to do the tour that everyone else seems to be doing.. don't! Want to go to the museum.. Go! Remember this trip is for you, do what you want to do, not what everyone else wants to do!

6. I need to improve my bargaining skills.. I have gotten ripped off a few times. But hey, you live and you learn.

7. Do NOT sit in the back of the bus while in Guatemala, no where on God's green earth has more unnecessary speed bumps or pot holes than Guatemala

8. To be more confident in my Spanish. Try everytime. Go slow, have patience.

9. Never have I ever needed a more perfected elevator pitch than I do now. I have learned how to sum up this article aka Who I am, where I come from, what I am doing, why I left, where I want to go and what I want to do into into like 30 seconds.

10. Don't be afraid to ask for something. It never hurts to ask.

11. People have incredible stories, have traveled to SO many amazing places and know 5 languages etc..  do not compare yourself to others. Keep in mind that you and your experiences are just as awesome as anyone else's!

12. I was an annoying 21 year old once apon a time.. have patience with them. They have know idea what life is yet. 13. Make more time for photos. Maybe it is a good thing, I have been having so much fun I have not taken nearly as many photos as I would like to. But photographing my destinations is a big part of what I wanted to do out here, so I would like to make more time for this. Especially around capturing the feel and atmosphere of each city. 14. I have drank alcohol less than ever out here. Keep it up. I feel awesome. (Although I am currently a bit hung over writing this which is completely counter intuitive BUT its my first hang over of the trip soo ITS FINE)

15. I want/need/must learn Spanish. Its hard work but I am going for it!

16. Patience. I am a more patient person out here. Perhaps its because I have no where to be. Or perhaps I am adapting to their slow life style. Or perhaps it's because I am making a conscious effort to be a more patient person. Never the less, it's working.

17. I've bought no material possessions. I don't need them. OKAY I bought a couple headbands, those don't count. They are NECESSITIES

18. Smiling works.

19. I've had my headphones on wayyy less than ever. Back home I am addicted. I could not leave my apartment or walk anywhere without them. Here though I find myself wearing them much less. It has been much more interesting to hear the sounds of the street, or the water breaking on the beach, or trying to figure out what language the people in the seat behind me are speaking. I think it has to do with my focus on being present at all times. To really feel my surroundings. Im into it.

20. Celsius vs Fahrenheit. WHY is America on Fahrenheit?? Celsius actually makes sense.. 0= freezing. Attempting to think in Celsius from now on.

21. Always star your hostel in Google Maps before arrival.. Otherwise you may find yourself taking a taxi for two blocks from some dishonest taxi driver.

22. Eat local. Do not fall into tourist trap restaurants (unless you want to, which is definitely the case sometimes). They are expensive, and you do not get the authentic experience. Hit up the street food vendors, it takes a bit more time and research to spot out these hidden gems at times BUT it is the best and won't hurt your wallet!

23. I have worn makeup 1 and a half times so far. In one month! Anyone who knows me knows how much I love makeup. But its been too damn in hot in Mexico and Belize to wear it. Since losing my hair makeup has been a shield for me. I feel pretty naked and at times uncomfortable without it when I am in public. With no hair to hide behind, I rely on makeup to define my face from my scalp, to make my eyes pop and to draw on eyebrows that I basically no longer have. I am fine walking around bald, but waking around bald with no make up... that is when I start to struggle a bit. Hard for me to admit, but it is true. Its been a bit of an adjustment, being out of my cat eye comfort zone. But just like anything else you power through, take it a day at a time and work on accepting yourself for exactly what you are. Brave and beautiful.

24. Walk with confidence. Goes along with #23.. but it is intimidating at times to walk into a new city, hostel, room, bus or restaurant alone.. especially in a foreign place. At times I feel like everyone has their eyes one me... and not because I'm the bald girl (I am used to that). Its more of a feeling of displacement... 'Who is that?', 'What is she doing here?' I've found my mind racing with 'Where do I go, who do I sit next to, how do I get this to work, what is this??' With no one to hide behind, no one to rely on.. you really just have to make everything happen for yourself & figure it out. I get this feeling the most when I walk into the common room of a hostel for the first time. Everyone has been there longer than me, they have made their friends, they know the ropes.. you just have to jump in there, say hello, ask questions and make it happen for yourself! I'm pretty good at #24, but I've had my moments!

25. I have not had one cup of coffee!!! Although that is going to change because I am about to start my first of about 5 weeks of Spanish lessons in Antigua Guatemala! I will be living with a Guatemalan family and studying 5 times a week. (I have actually already started but more about that later..)

I wonder what things I will have learned by month 2 or month 6 or so on..

Until then you can find me back in school, hitting the books, studying and making flash cards for the first time in 6 years.

Sneak peak at how it's going..

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Even when it ain't pretty

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