Volcano Boarding in Leon Nicaragua
Volcano Boarding in Leon Nicaragua ...
Is freaking AWESOME.
and was exactly what I needed after my horrendous experience crossing the Honduran border

I was more than ready for some adventure !
Bigfoot Hostel
I booked into Bigfoot Hostel, a place known for their volcano boarding trip. If you are in Central America I am 100% positive you have seen someone walking around in this t-shirt..

Look familiar?.. yeah, that's Bigfoot
Now, I was certainly still in my #ShellOfaHuman stage (see previous post) so I was in no mood to socialize, I just wanted to fly down that volcano and try to feel like a bad ass for a day.
What's volcano boarding?Cerro Negro is an active volcano right outside of Leon, Nicaragua. The volcano is made up of small black grains of volcanic rock. Making it possible to slide down on a wooden sled, or board.
In order to slide down the volcano, you obviously first have to climb it, straight up. So about a 2,388 ft (728m) climb stands in your way of being able to slide down this bad boy.
These wooden boards are not the lightest thing in the world. You were giving the option to pay someone to carry this board for you...
No ThanksNot an option for me today. I did not even pick up the board to see in fact how heavy it was before I quickly declined the offer to have my board carried for me.
The climbI was on a mission today, no part of me wanted the easy way out. I had this strange sense of determination about me.
Most of the girls chose to have someone carry their board, if not at the beginning.. most certainly somewhere 10 minutes into the climb. They were dropping like flies.
Truth is, that board was freaking heavy, and it was blistering hot outside, but no way was I dropping this thing. By the time we made it to the top of the hill only myself and one other girl had successfully carried their boards up this hill. BOOYA.
The competition Half way up the volcano we took a group break. The guide explained they would have a speed gun recording us and the fastest person down the volcano today would get a prize. Before he could even finish his sentence..
I just knew..I KNEW I had to be the fastest person down the volcano that day. No contest. It was happening. I was going to FLY down that hill, fearless. I could hear all of the guys in my group going back and forth about which one of them was going to be the fastest down that volcano. Silently I laughed to myself...
Not a chance on God's green earth was I going to let one of these jokers, or anyone, beat me down that volcano.
(not today Greg)
Maybe it was the fury still inside me from the border crossing, or sorrow from leaving Roatan that was causing this attitude within me.
Anything I could do to focus my energy else where was very much appreciated...
and getting down this volcano was it The scenery here was beautiful. I am not sure what I expected really, but not this. Something about the black rock with the green backdrop. I loved it.
After some photo ops we got situated to start making our descents down the volcano. With some instruction on how to go faster, slower, turn, stop etc.
FYI: You sit on these boards and slide down... you can stand on them too but its not ideal. You cannot carve as if you were on a snow board, and you go much faster sitting down.
We were all given suits and goggles for protection.. and you NEED them, volcanic rock shoots up into your face and everywhere, it's quite sharp too!
ready.. set.. go..I was the last of the group to go...
I started off steady, slowly gaining momentum and then BOOM, I was OFF and I was FLYING. Clutching my hands around the rope to hang on and leaning as far back as I could, to make this sucker fly...
...and boy did it fly. What an adrenaline rush. There were a few moments where I most definitely did not have control of this thing.. but I didn't care, I just let it fly down as fast as I could.. knowing I would be at the bottom soon, determined to get that fastest time!
I cannot lie.. it was quite terrifying at parts but man was it freaking cool
Here I am in middle of no where Nicaragua, boarding down a freaking volcano!!
I had one of those moment of wonderment... like wow, I am really out here doing my thang arn't I?
Yes things can get tough, life is full of hardship.. but man is life wonderful
and the winner is..
When I got to the bottom I was greeted by my group with a huge 'Woah, you were going SO fast..'
The looks on those boys faces were priceless...
I spanked every one of those guys, by well over 15 kmph... clocking in at 59 kmph (37 mph)! The next highest was the only other girl who was able to carry her board up the hill at 49 kmph, GIRL POWER!
Overall, it was a great day.. got to do something adventurous, climbed a volcano, got to go fast, beautiful scenery, and made a few boys cry.
My next stop is meeting my friend Nicole in Managua Nicaragua, and I could not be more excited to see my first familiar face in over 4 months!!
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